Curb Rising Medical Costs


Even as we begin to recover from the pandemic, the price tag for health care may be out of reach for you and your family. Too many Floridians pay too much for medical expenses—especially those out-of-network. This also means too many Floridians must hold off on important medical decisions for their families. We need to protect patients from unexpected medical costs. Floridians should know what they are paying for medical costs in advance, and the cost of medical procedures should never limit someone’s access to health care. Florida should implement a public health care price transparency database and waive or reduce cost-sharing for high-value services.

Member Actions


Lawmakers are disconnected from the real experiences of Floridians struggling to afford health care. Real stories from the people most impacted are our most powerful tool in creating change.

Florida Voices for Health

Share your health care story with us and help speak for millions of Floridians facing the high cost of health care.

“Access to care is crucial to surviving cancer. Research continually shows cancer patients in states that have expanded Medicaid see significantly higher survivorship, for example, breast cancer patients are 70% more likely to survive when they lived in a state that expanded Medicaid. Everyone deserves a fighting chance against cancer, including Floridians, and where you live shouldn’t be a determining factor.”

Susan Harbin, Florida Senior Government Relations Director at the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)