About For Florida’s Health

Member Organizations | Advisory Board

Right now, too many Floridians have no health insurance or have plans with extremely high deductibles—which can feel like no coverage at all. When people have to worry about what happens if they get sick, it’s hard to care for themselves and their families. It’s a burden that affects our whole health care system.


For Florida’s Health believes we can fix it. We are a coalition of medical professionals, health care advocates and small business owners pushing for quality, affordable health coverage in the sunshine state. We believe we can come together to develop policies to make things better for people.


Will you add your name to our statement?


We need our elected leaders to support practical solutions so Floridians —across all 67 counties—can get the health coverage they need. Of course, we may not agree on everything, and that’s ok. But if we put our heads together and commit to putting health first, we can insist our policies work for the people of Florida.

For questions or media inquiries, contact: info@forflhealth.org